Water discharge hose 300 PSI

General information

Water discharge hose consists of 3 parts, including inner, reinforced and cover layers. The inner layer is made of black smooth NR, SBR compound, while the cover layer can be made of NR, SBR compound or cloth impression. The cover layer helps with abrasion, weather and ozone resistance making the hose suitable to be used with rugged and rigorous surfaces. Moreover, the reinforcement with multi plies high strength synthetic fiber offers solid structure and pressure resistant up to 300 PSI. Although this hose is heavier than the PVC water hoses, it is more stable, and hence used in many industries.

Main Features

  • Working temperature : -40 to +70°C
  • Material : tube (black smooth NR, SBR rubber compound)
  • Material : cover (NR, SBR rubber compound or cloth impression)
  • Reinforcement : Multi plies high strength synthetic fiber
  • Color : black
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Weather and ozone resistance
  • Flexible
  • 300 PSI pressure resistance
  • Suitable for noncorrosive fluids
Water and fluids discharge hose
Construction industry
Mining industry
Light duty industry


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